Domestic Violence Resources: Tools For Pastors
With one out of every four women in each church community directly affected by domestic violence, it’s a must-have tool for every church. Designed specifically to assist pastors, The Pastor’s Guide to Domestic Violence includes the following topics:
- Signs of Abuse
- Characteristics of an Abuser
- Do’s and Don’ts in Counseling
- Holding the Abuser Accountable
- Protecting the Victim
- Effects of Domestic Violence on Children
- Proactive Ministry
- Referrals
- Scripture References
- Worship Resources
- What the Church can do
…and more!
Pastor’s Guide to Dealing with Domestic Violence $50.00
* For orders outside the U.S.: International Store
Bringing Domestic Violence Training to Your Church
FOCUS Ministries is dedicated to providing domestic violence task force consultation and comprehensive domestic violence training for pastors and churches. Plans are made in advance regarding the time frame, session topics, and purpose (domestic violence education alone or including instruction on developing a domestic violence program in your church). Topics covered may include:
- What is Domestic Violence? – a Closer Look at Verbal, Emotional, Sexual, Physical, and Spiritual Abuse
- Characteristics of an Abuser/Why Does He Do That
- Recognizing a Victim of Domestic Violence
- Why Women Stay or Leave/Developing a Safety Plan
- How Does Domestic Violence Affect the Family Especially Children
- Teen Dating Violence
- What Can the Church Do
- Do’s and Don’ts of Counseling
- Signs that the Abuser Has Changed
- Church Safety Plan/Risks
- Becoming an Anchor in the Storm/How to Help Someone in an Abusive Relationship
- Development of Domestic Violence Policies and Procedures for Churches
- Step by Step Approach for Churches to Address the Issue of Domestic Violence
Complete details are available in our Training & Events section under Seminars & Workshops.
Please take a few minutes to read this very important message.